Toad License File Location

Posted on by admin

I have legitimate copies of Visual Studio 2008 installed on several computers, each with different license keys. I cannot remember what key was used on each install.

Where in the registry can I find what license key was used for that PC's Visual Studio 2008 installation?

If you need to provide the same Toad functionality to all users, you can enter the default license key for all users. Upgrade Toad. To upgrade Toad. Run the ToadInstaller.exe installation program from the DVD or downloaded file. Select Uninstall Toad and continue with install. Complete the wizard. Each installation of Toad requires an authorized license key to. Completely different, or in a completely different folder than what you thought. I've used ProcessMonitor to validate that TOAD is locating and parsing the file, but I'm still prompted to enter the key at first launch. I'm installing the extracted.msi files via.bat file, and they all appear to work. Has anyone used the ProductLicenses.xml to silently license TOAD?

I would imagine that it is in the registry somewhere.


5 Answers

just run your computer and then type the word 'regedit'you'll find the four basic HKLM but i thin k just use this :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0Registration2000.0x0000PIDKEY on my PC. not sure but just try because some of this working.

If you are using Win7, then try HKLMSoftwareWow6432NodeMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0Registration2000.0x0000PIDKEY

Jorenda TabocoJorenda Taboco

A couple of options listed here:

Magical Jelly is the best product key finder for Windows. It’s free and portable, hence you can use it without installation or modifying the Windows registry. It can be used to extract the product keys of paid software like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Photoshop etc.


WinkeyFinder is another great program to find the CD keys of installed software as well as the operating system. You can use this program to

  • Find product keys of Windows XP, Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 98 and Windows ME editions
  • Find serial keys of Microsoft Office 2000, 2003 and Microsoft 2007.
  • Change or copy the volume serial number.
  • View .NET key.

You could try ProduKey from NirSoft. Its an app for listing Microsoft licence keys, however I don't think it'll work if your copy of Visual Studio was pre-pidded, i.e. it came from say an MSDN account.


If you go into regedit and browse to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0Registration.

The Product Key can be found in the ProductID Registry Key.

Hope that helps!


I've had positive experiences with Belarc Advisor It gives out a neat list of software installed on your pc with Keys and I generally archive this on a secure cloud so even if My pc crashes, I can still get a registered copy of all the software installed.

Today its even possible to have the entire image of your installation archived so that You get a clean PC with the set of licenses refreshed on installed anytime you want one!

DL NarasimhanDL Narasimhan

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Toad® for IBM DB2

Version 4.5.2

Release Notes

November 2009

Third-Party Known Issues
System Requirements

Toad for DB2 is a database development and administration solution that provides productivity features for rapidly creating and executing queries, automating database object management, developing SQL code, and instant access to DB2 expertise.

Developers and administrators have access to a community of users, peers, and experts to help solve development and administration issues and assist in developing applications and feedback for improving Quests products.

All of this comes with the backing of Quest Software, a healthy and growing corporate entity that can provide the necessary training, support, and superior customer service demanded by IT management.

Toad for DB2 4.5.2 is a maintenance release containing primarily internal fixes and enhancements to the previous 4.5 and 4.5.1 releases.

  • For a description of customer issues resolved in this release, see Resolved Issues and Enhancements in 4.5.2.
  • For a review of customer issues resolved in Toad for DB2 4.5.1, see Resolved Issues and Enhancements in 4.5.1.
  • For a description of the new features and updates in Toad for DB2 4.5, see Features and Updates in Toad for DB2 4.5.

Click to review the updates and new features in the following areas:

Prerequisites and Installation

  • Toad now requires .NET Framework 3.5 (Service Pack 1) or later. You can download the latest .NET Framework from this location:

  • Because of the new .Net Framework 3.5 (Service Pack 1) requirement, Toad can no longer be installed on Windows 2000 systems. However, Toad can still connect and manage databases running on Windows 2000 systems.

  • Toad ships and installs IBM DB2 for LUW Client 9.5 as the DB2 client. The new default location for the DB2 client is C:Program Files Toad for DB2 4.5SQLLIB.

  • To provide an easier installation for Citrix environments, the default location for settings files has been changed to the following: C:Documents and SettingsUsernameApplication DataQuest SoftwareToad for DB2 4.5.


The Connection Manager and the Connections window provide more functionality to help you manage DB2 connections:

  • A new tree view option displays your connections in a hierarchical tree for easy system identification.

  • You can import local DB2 catalogs to the client to keep your cataloged connections synchronized with your DB2 environment.

  • You can import all connections currently defined on the DB2 client.

  • The System property for a connection profile on the Connections and Create New Connection windows now identifies the TCP/IP port number and operation system platform for a DB2 connection.

General Toad Environment and Functionality

  • Optimized start-up code results in faster start-up times, especially for 'warm restarts.'

  • Code optimization and a reduction in the number of assemblies loaded has reduced Toad's memory footprint.

  • Toad offers new skins, such as Office 2007 and a default skin that more closely matches the standard Windows look-and-feel.

  • You must now click the tab of a pinned window or pane to display it. This enhancement eliminates the unwanted expansion of a pinned item when you accidentally mouse over its tab:

  • Document recovery now recovers any ER Diagram or Query Builder files to avoid losing your work. When you restart after an unexpected close, Toad checks the timestamp on the backup file against the original file, and opens the file that has the latest timestamp. The document recovery option is located in Tools Options Environment General.

  • You can use the new File Transfer Protocol (FTP) utility to transfer scripts, reports, or other files from Toad. Toad supports unsecured (FTP) and secure (SFTP) file transfers. To open this utility, select View FTP Connections from the menu.

Windows 7 ultimate free download full version 32 bit with crack. After creating a connection, the following window displays:

You can also add an FTP connection to the Project Manager or an Automation script.

  • Toad Security lets you identify a RACF, Unix, or Linux group as a Toad role. Toad automatically enforces the role's restrictions on each user that belongs to the specified group. This feature is available for the following:

    • DB2 for LUW 9 or later databases

    • DB2 for z/OS 8 or later subsystems

    • All for DB2 licenses except for the DBA license

Note: You must have the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5 installed on the DB2 subsystems that use the RACF group.

  • Connection information for each Editor, Query Builder, or other document window is now available by selecting the Show connection info on document tabs checkbox under Tools Options Environment General.

  • You can close the current tab in a window or all other tabs except the current one from the right-click menu.

  • You can no longer rename document tabs in the Toad environment.

  • Knowledge Xpert has been removed from Toad.


  • Most activities now include support for variables. Variables are a powerful feature that allow you to change data in your script or use a dataset collected from an activity in the automation script. For example, you can use variables to perform the following tasks:

    • Send an email to a group of people where the list of recipients is automatically selected with a query

    • Generate repetitive reports where only the product number, date, region, or any other single element changes

    • Customize file names by including a variable in the file name or automatically including the date that the automation script ran

    • Find content in a file and replace it with the value of a variable

See the Use Variables in Automation help topic for more information.

  • Automation now supports Find and Replace and FTP file activities.

  • Automation supports new system activities, including program execution, defining variables, and setting up If and While conditions and loop datasets.

  • The Select to File activity now supports Excel options.

Database Administration

Click a category in the list to view the features and updates for this release:

Object Explorer

  • Toad offers the new Flat Tree view in which to display the object list in the Object or Database Explorer. (This view is similar to the view used to display the object list in Quest Central for DB2.)

  • Toad has introduced the Separate schema or database by type option in Tools Options Explorer General. When you enable this option, you can set the schema filter to a different value for each object type in a specific DB2 database or subsystem. Toad then retains the schema settings as you move between the different object nodes. Additionally, these schemas are still in effect when you return to the database or subsystem.

Note: This option does not apply when the Treelist or Flat Tree view is in effect.

  • If you specify an asterisk for the Default schema/auth ID property in the profile for a specific connection, all objects for an object type initially display as you move between object nodes in the Object or Database Explorer for that connection.

  • You can now apply or remove filters using a drop-down list beside the filter icon.

  • You can hide object toolbars and use right-click menus instead to access object-management actions. To hide or re-instate the toolbars, toggle the Show Toolbar option.

Object Management - General

  • The Create menu has been removed because it duplicated functionality in the File menu. To create objects from a menu, select File New object_type.

  • Code completion is now available when using object editors for views and MQ tables.

  • When you are editing objects in the Alter window or sending ALTER statements to the Editor, Toad now uses data directly from the database instead of using the cache.

  • Advanced alter scripts now preserve identity columns.

  • You can view, grant, or revoke privileges at the column level for DB2 for LUW and DB2 for z/OS tables. The Grants tab on the right side of the Database or Object Explorer shows current column privileges for the selected table.

    The Edit Table Privileges or the Edit User (or Role or Group) Privileges functions let you grant or revoke column privileges for users on a table.

  • You can now grant or revoke permissions on a given object for multiple users, groups, or roles. In the Alter object Permissions window, select the multiple grantees, right-click the column heading for the permission type, and select the action.

  • The new Extract DDL feature generates the DDL script for existing objects and their dependencies. To open this feature, right-click one or more objects, and select Extract DDL.

Object Management - DB2 for LUW

  • Toad introduces support for DB2 9.5 roles. The new Roles node in the Database or Object Explorer lets you browse current roles, as well as create, alter, drop, or assign privileges to roles.

  • Toad now provides object editors to bind and rebind DB2 for LUW packages.

  • You can now create, alter, or drop nicknames on federated DB2 for LUW databases.

  • You can now browse the columns and data for aliases in the Database or Object Explorer, as well as right-click and select Generate SQL to generate SQL statements based on the alias DDL.

  • Toad provides enhanced support for federated objects. You can now browse, create, alter, or drop nicknames, servers, or wrappers defined on your currently connected database (as long as the database manager configuration parameter FEDERATED is set to YES for the database). You can also browse user, function, and type mappings defined on your federated database.

  • The enhanced Database node in the Database or Object Explorer provides the following features:

    • Applications tab (formerly a separate node in the Database or Object Explorer) showing information about the applications currently connected to the database

    • Connection tab showing the connection profile for the database

    • Utilities tab (formerly a separate node in the Database or Object Explorer) showing information about the DB2 utilities currently running on the database

    • Space Usage tab displaying space allocation and usage information for the database

    • Monitor tab graphing the number of current locks held and applications connected, the lifetime number of SQL statements executed, and current bufferpool hit rates

    • Grants tab listing current privileges on the database

  • Toad introduces the LUW Database wizard to create or drop databases.

  • Previous releases provided functionality to start or stop even monitors. This release provides an object editor to create or alter event monitors:

  • The Parameters node in the Database or Object Explorer now includes mouse-over hints and a Description column to provide information about each DB2 database or database manager configuration parameter.

Object Management - DB2 for z/OS

  • You can now browse the columns and data for synonyms or aliases in the Database or Object Explorer, as well as right-click and select Generate SQL to generate SQL statements based on the synonym or alias DDL.

  • The Properties tab for the Tables node in the Database or Object Explorer shows the check-pending status for a table:

  • Toad now supports the XML data type in tables.

  • The Tablespaces node in the Database or Object Explorer now contains a Datasets tab on the right side, showing dataset, volume, and space information for a given tablespace.

    Note: You must have the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5 installed on the DB2 subsystem to view this tab.

  • When altering a table, you can now add a tablespace partition. The generated script drops both the tablespace and table and re-creates them with the new partition added.

  • Toad provides an easy-to-use interface to execute the DB2 DISPLAY, START, and STOP commands.

Note: You must have the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5 installed on the DB2 subsystem to run these commands in Toad.

  • The Threads node in the Database or Object Explorer in previous versions has become the Threads tab on the right side of the new Subsystem node.

    Note: You must have the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5 installed on the DB2 subsystem to view this tab.

  • The new Subsystem node shows connection profile information for the currently connected DB2 subsystem and information about the threads it is handling. (See the previous figure.)

  • Toadsupports the management of DB2 for z/OS 9 universal tablespaces.

Object Migration


Enhancements to the Object Migration feature include the following:

  • To avoid the overhead of filtering objects for migration, you now invoke the Migration wizard from only the right-click menu for the objects you have selected. (Access to the feature is no longer available from the Tools menu.)

  • The Object Migration feature generates a migration script only. It no longer compares and synchronizes source and target objects. (The new Object Compare feature does this.) However, before the wizard generates the migration script, it detects and lists as conflicts those objects that already exist on the target. You can continue to generate the script or go back in the wizard to define transformation rules to resolve the conflicts.

  • The reworked Include DROP statements option inserts DROP statements before the CREATE statements for the migrated objects in the migration script.

  • When enabled, the new Process multiple object levels option analyzes and migrates all dependent levels of the selected objects. If the option is disabled, Object Migration analyzes and processes only one level of dependencies.

Object Compare

The new Object Compare feature compares source objects with objects on the target and generates a script that synchronizes the target objects with the source. The script creates objects missing on the target or alters existing target objects to be like the source objects. To launch Object Compare, right-click one or more source objects, and select Compare Object.

Object Compare features include the following:

  • Options to compare and synchronize dependencies, preserve data (including identity column data) on existing objects, migrate source data and objects statistics, and execute RUNSTATS:

  • Ability to customize synchronization options for individual objects:

  • Identification of potential conflicts before script generation:

  • Definition of transformation rules to resolve conflicts before script generation:

Utility Execution - DB2 for LUW

  • Toad provides object editors to bind and rebind packages.

  • The new Utility File Directory option in Tools Options Database DB2 LUW General Utilities identifies the directory path that stores exported-data files created during advanced alters, object migrations, and Object Compare synchronization. The scripts for these processes insert the %DATA_PATH% variable to qualify the import, export, and load files. During script generation, Toad then replaces this variable with the path specified for the Utility File Directory option. The following picture is an example of an advanced alter script that contains the %DATA_PATH% variable.

Note: The %DATA_PATH% variable enables you to use the new Remote Script Execution feature, which executes remote scripts on database servers. See the Editor section for more information about this feature.

  • Toad now uses the LOAD command to preserve data during advanced alters, object migrations, and Object Compare synchronization. This command is often more efficient than the IMPORT command for loading large amounts of data in re-created tables. To specify that Toad use the LOAD command whenever possible to preserve data, select the Use LUW load utility when applicable option in Tools Options Database DB2 Advanced Admin.

  • Toad now generates and executes DB2 RUNSTATS statements for indexes. Right-click one or more indexes, and select Utilities Runstats.

Utility Execution - DB2 for z/OS

Note: Many of the following new features require that you have the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5 installed on the DB2 subsystem. See the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component Installation Guide for more information.

  • Toadships with a set of dataset templates that it uses during utility script generation. Additionally, Toad provides an object editor that enables you to edit these templates or create and alter your own. You can browse the and user-defined templates on the new Dataset Templates node in the Database or Object Explorer.

  • Toad now leverages IBM DB2 parallel processing during UNLOAD, LOAD, and REORG utility execution on partitioned objects during database administration tasks.

  • Toad generates and executes DB2 REORG utility statements on tablespaces or indexes. Right-click the objects, and select Utilities Reorg.

  • Toad generates and executes DB2 RUNSTATS utility statements for tablespaces, tables, or indexes. Right-click the objects, and select Utilities Runstats.

  • Toad generates and executes REBUILD INDEX utility statements on tablespaces, tables, or indexes. Right-click the objects, and select Utilities Rebuild Index.

  • Advanced alter, object migration, and Object Compare synchronization scripts now execute utilities at the tablespace level when applicable, instead of on individual tables in the tablespace. For example, the following advanced alter script uses a single UNLOAD statement to offload data from all tables in the tablespace, instead of a separate UNLOAD statement for each table.

  • Toad provides an option to insert a COPY statement before each REORG statement in scripts generated for ALTER, object migration, or Object Compare synchronization. This option ensures that a copy of the original data is available for recovery purposes.

  • New options for executing DB2 utilities during regular and advanced alters, object migration, and Object Compare synchronization are now available in Tools Options Database DB2 z/OS.

Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component

The Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5 contains updates that many of the new Toad features require to manage your DB2 for z/OS subsystems.

  • A message now displays when you attempt to perform a database administration function that requires the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component, explaining that you need to install the component.

  • The installation wizard for the z/OS component now supports WLM environment names up to 32 characters.

  • The z/OS component includes the functions and procedures required to display the new Datasets tab for tablespaces in the Database and Object Explorer and to leverage RACF groups in Toad Security.

Master Detail Browser

When sending tables or views to the Master Detail Browser, Toad now automatically selects all columns.

Space Management

A new option lets you specify the unit of storage used to display statistics in Space Management features. You can find this option in Tools Options Database DB2 LUW Space Management.

Data Management

Click a category in the list to view the features and updates for this release:


  • Toad is now Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) Compliant; however changes to the architecture to ensure compliance will result in a loss of existing data filters when upgrading to this release.

  • Hexadecimal values of up to 255 bytes for binary data now display in the grid.

  • You can now copy and paste rows in the grid.

  • You can now create pivot grids and charts directly from the results by selecting the Pivot & Chart tab.

  • You can now format XML data.

  • You can now view BLOB and For Bit data in EBCDIC.

  • You can add a total value to a column of data or can add a subtotal value to grouped data if the Summary Footer Panel is displayed (right-click the data and select Show Summary Footer Panel). To add a total value, right-click the data and select one of the following options:

  • If you have grouped columns using the Grouping panel (right-click and select Show Grouping Panel), you can add a subtotal value to grouped records:

Export Wizard

  • You can now export data to Microsoft Access files.

  • When you export to an Excel Instance only, columns are automatically resized to the width of the data.

  • You can now create a new table and tablespace within a database when exporting data.

  • The Export wizard now supports binary data types.

Data Compare

  • You can right-click tables or views in the Object Explorer and select Compare Data to compare data within the context of the current connection and database.

  • When comparing data, you can now auto-map target columns for selected source tables.

  • When you select a record, Data Compare displays a side-by-side comparison of the values of the source and target row automatically in the Row Viewer tab.

  • When you synchronize a script, Data Compare now opens a script using an existing connection.

Query Development

Click a category in the list to view the features and updates for this release:

Query Builder

  • When you mouse over a Query Builder tab, Toad shows connection information and part of the query you are building to help you identify your Query Builder instance.

  • You can now sort columns alphabetically in the Diagram pane by selecting an option from the Sort columns in diagram by name drop-down list in Tools Options Database Query Builder.

  • You can now create a view in the Query Builder.

  • When you save a Query Builder file, Toad prompts you to save query results with that file.

  • You can now add an INTERSECT, INTERSECT ALL, EXCEPT, EXCEPT ALL, UNION, or UNION ALL operator to queries.

  • For DB2 on LUW, a new Top row count option in the Query Builder lets you limit the number of rows returned. Use this option to reduce the size of your result sets as you build and test your queries.

  • You can use the right-click menu to compare results from a Query Builder query to data from the Database Browser window or the Editor Results pane.


  • Messages now show the SQL with which they are associated for better identification of the result or issue.

  • You can now view messages in text format. Right-click in the message pane, and select Text Output.

  • Toad provides the ability to restart scripts at syncpoints. To enable script generation with syncpoints, select Generate scripts with syncpoint statements in Tools Options Database DB2 General. To restart a script at a syncpoint, click in the Editor toolbar.

  • Toad has modified the default Result Sets layout to show result sets for multiple queries on a single Set x tab, greatly improving performance.

    To display script result sets on individual tabs (as in previous releases of Toad), go to the Tools Options Database Script Result, and select One tab per query in the Script Result Grouping section.

  • After a group execution, instead of viewing individual result sets for the different connections, you can view the retrieved records for multiple connections in a single list on the Result Sets tab. Simply select a level in the Group Execute tree that is higher than the individual connections you selected for group execution (for example, select the DB2 or host level). The retrieved rows for all connections under that level display on the Result Sets tab, with each record showing to which connection it belongs.
  • You can now optionally view dash comments (for example, -- comment text --) as well as block-style comments (for example, /* comment text */) in the Navigator.

    To enable this feature, navigate to Tools Options Editor Tools, and select Block Comment and Dash Comment in the Code Navigator section.

  • Toad provides a new facility that transfers scripts to remote DB2 for LUW servers for execution. To invoke this facility, first open a script in the Editor. Then click to open the LUW Remote Script Execution wizard, which transfers the script and required control information to the remote server. You can then telnet the remote server and execute the script. Additionally, you have the option to change the location of the log files that the remote script execution generates.

    Note: The Remote Script Execution feature requires that Toad for DB2 Agent 5.1 be installed on the remote server to which you are transferring the script. (For information about installing this agent, see the Toad for DB2 LUW Agent Installation Guide, located in your Toad for DB2 client directory.)

  • Toad provides a new facility that transfers scripts from the Editor to remote z/OS systems for execution. To invoke this facility, first open the script in the Editor. Then click to open the z/OS Remote Script Execution wizard, which transfers the script to the mainframe and submits it as a JCL job that runs against the specified DB2 for z/OS subsystem. Optionally, you can save the script to a PDS.

Note: This feature requires that the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5 be installed on the subsystem against which you are executing the script. See the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component Installation Guide, located in your for DB2 client installation directory, for more information.

  • The Editor provides a launch point to Quest Benchmark Factory. This product lets you test the scalability of your SQL in the connected database.

  • You can now drag and drop an SQL file onto the toolbar to automatically open an Editor session containing the contents of the file.

  • You can share Formatter settings for your team in a network share folder in Tools Options Editor Formatter to ensure consistent coding standards.

SQL Recall

  • Toad supports deleting multiple statements in the SQL Recall window.

  • SQL Recall now logs only single statements.


You can right-click a breakpoint in the Editor to edit its properties.

SQL Analysis and Optimization

  • Toad SQL Analysis for DB2 LUW is now available for tracking and analyzing SQL statements captured in SQL collections that you define and manage. You can view SQL statistics and trends at the workload level or at the individual statement level and send bad-performing SQL to the Quest SQL Optimizer for tuning.


  • Toad SQL Analysis is accessible only through your Toad session; it is not a stand-alone product.

  • SQL Analysis requires that the Toad for DB2 Agent be installed on each DB2 for LUW instance on which you are running SQL collections. See the Toad for DB2 LUW Agent Installation Guide for more information.

  • You can now open a Quest SQL Optimizer for DB2 LUW session on the SQL in a view, MQ table, or trigger definition. (Previously you could open a session on only the SQL used in packages or in Editor scripts.)

  • You can now open a SQL Tuning for DB2 z/OS session on the SQL in a view, MQ table, or trigger definition. (Previously you could open a session only on the SQL used in packages or plans or in Editor scripts.)

  • You can now invoke SQL Tuning for DB2 z/OS on multiple SQL statements, including the statements that you select in a package or plan or in an Editor script. Each statement opens a separate scenario in the SQL Tuning session.

Project Management

Support for FTP connections, SQL Recall named SQL statements, and Database connections has been added to the Project Manager via the right-click menu. For Database connections, only databases that are currently connected can be added to the Project Manager.

Version Control

  • Toad now supports TFS 2008.

  • When configuring TFS, you can now specify a user name and password, instead of using your Windows credentials, to log into TFS.

  • This release shows improved performance during the working-directory initialization and in the overall handling of the root folder and working directory.

  • Toad now supports multiple version-control configurations that are active simultaneously.

  • When you manage version-controlled SQL scripts from the Object Explorer, creating a script opens a new Editor.

Click the following links to view issues addressed and enhancements implemented in the Toad for DB2 4.5.x releases, including this latest release 4.5.2:

Resolved Issues and Enhancements in 4.5.2

The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in the current release:


Resolved Issue

Defect ID

Toad DB2 Command window If you set the DB2 code page as a system variable and then launch a DB2 command window from Toad via Tools DB2 Command Window, Toad no longer generates an exception. ST#67,626
Database or Object Explorer (DB2 for z/OS) When returning a dataset creation date, Toad no longer generates an exception due to conversion issues. However, to avoid the exception, users need to upgrade to the latest Toad IBM DB2 z/OS component available with this release. See Upgrade the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component for more information.

Note: If you do not upgrade the z/OS component, Toad displays a ? in the date value to indicate a format conversion issue.

Editor Multiple opened Editors executing queries no longer lock up Toad. ST#67,612
Extract DDL When the Toad client has a large number of connections defined, Toad no longer crashes when users attempt to extract DDL. ST#67,196
When users attempt to extract DDL on a database cataloged with AUTHENTICATION set to CLIENT, Toad no longer causes an exception (even when users provide no ID and password at connection time). ST#67,371
Object management
(DB2 for LUW) Toad now correctly includes commas between column names in the IMPORT command section of an advanced alter script. ST#67,524

Resolved Issues and Enhancements in 4.5.1

The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in the current release:


Resolved Issue

Defect ID

Licensing Users with a Toad for DB2 Xpert license can now launch Spotlight on DB2 LUW.ST#66,460
Users with a Toad for DB2 Xpert license can now launch Toad SQL Analysis for DB2 LUW. ST#66,595
Editor Editor now successfully opens, processes, and executes SQL files larger than 60K. ST#64,806
Object management
Toad no longer generates a 'Missing bind file' error when you attempt to rebind a package with a modified parameter. ST#65,697
Specifying the SQL delimiter @ for scripts no longer causes Toad tools (such as Extract DDL and Migration) to fail to generate scripts. ST#65,741
(DB2 for LUW) Toad no longer performs an advanced alter to partitioned tables (containing the LONG IN clause) when you make no changes to the tables or changes that require a regular ALTER. ST#66,122
Schema Compare Schema Compare properly uses DB2 utilities to preserve data. ST#65,132

Resolved Issues and Enhancements in 4.5

The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in the Toad for DB2 4.5 release:


Resolved Issue

Defect ID

Keyboard mapping issues are resolved. ST#49,841
Authorization key issue has been fixed. ST#57,794
Launching Toad by opening an Explain (.xpn) file no longer generates an exception. ST#62,807
Toad ensures that proper privileges are granted on packages that IBM autobinds. ST#64,055
Installation/Upgrade The uninstall program now works properly.ST#55,055
Connections A new button in the Connection Manager and on the Connections window allows you to import or re-import the catalog entries from another local DB2 instance into your Toad for DB2 client instance catalog. ST#43,212
The Degree value on the Advanced tab on a DB2 for z/OS subsystem connection profile now properly carries over to an Editor instance when it initially opens on the subsystem connection. ST#53,856
Toad polls services on a connection only if Windows services are manually defined on the connection through the Services Manager. ST#56,863
Data Grid The pop-up editor for binary data on DB2 for z/OS subsystems that use EBCDIC code pages now contains an EBCDIC tab instead of an ASCII tab. ST#42,077
Disabling auto-commit no longer causes Toad to hang when you attempt to shut down. ST#54,417
Toad has resolved the 'Index and length must refer to a location within the string' error generated when users attempt to edit certain data. ST#58,155
Database or Object Explorer
The grid used to update Database Manager and Database configuration parameter values on the Parameters node now supports 64-bit environments and DB2's latest value ranges, as well as enforces valid values only. ST#45,198
Toad has added a Remove Notes option on the right-click menu for an object.

This update resolves an issue identified as a known issue in previous Release Notes versions.

' an invalid character..' error has been resolved. ST#54,249
Toad has resolved the inconsistent behavior involving the Options Extra Columns option on the right-click menu. ST#56,496
(DB2 for LUW) Due to extensive overhead, the Auto-resize property no longer displays on the Tablespaces list, but does display on the Properties tab for the individual tablespaces. ST#57,090
Toad has resolved the error generated when you both defined the Isolation level and Lock timeout properties on the Advanced tab of the connection profile and defined the SQL delimiter as a character other than a semi-colon on the Tools Options Database DB2 General page. ST#57,634
You can now enter an asterisk in the connection profile to default to a list of all objects of each type in the Database Explorer or Object Explorer opened on that connection.ST#57,692
Editor Toad now provides Remote Script Execution wizards (LUW and z/OS) to transfer and execute your DB2 scripts on remote servers. ST#44,430
Code completion performance has improved on large scripts. ST#54,370
The right-click menu in the Editor now offers the Save As option. ST#57,114
Editor performance has improved when handling large scripts. ST#59,101
The error generating the 'Active queries are running on this connection..' message has been resolved.ST#63,304
Extract DDL
Toad has improved performance when extracting the DDL for a database and its dependencies. ST#45,284
Import Data (Toad core feature) Import wizard now properly handles Unix LF FORMAT. ST#52,558
Migration/Object Compare/Schema Compare While Schema Compare does not create tablespaces to synchronize tablespace differences, the new Object Compare feature does perform this task. ST#41,983
While Schema Compare compares objects at the schema level only, you can use the new Object Compare feature to compare individual objects. ST#42,753
The new Object Compare feature generates both comparison results and a report that lists source and target differences. ST#45,272
Migrating object lists containing tablespaces no longer generates the 'Values cannot be null.' ST#58,995
Schema Compare now invokes DB2 utilities to preserve data if you select Use commands/utilities in the Preserve Data Method section of Tools Options Database DB2 Advanced Admin. ST#54,387
The Schema Compare report does not identify source and target objects as missing, different, or same. However, the Object Compare feature provides a report that identifies the status (missing, different, or same) of each target object compared to the source. ST#55,459
Object Compare and Migration scripts generate the necessary GRANT statements for dependent objects. ST#59,537
Object management Toad supports the ability to grant or revoke privileges on table columns.

This update resolves an issue identified as a known issue in previous Release Notes versions.



Toad now supports the EXPORT-LOAD process during advanced alters. ST#46,826
(DB2 for LUW) Toad now allows you to create, alter, or drop nicknames, wrappers, and servers, as well as browse user, type, and function mappings on federated systems. ST#51,277
(DB2 for LUW) You can alter the Partitioned and Clustering properties for a table without an issue in the order in which you edited the values. ST#54,635
(DB2 for LUW) The CREATE DATABASE statement now displays on the Script tab for the database (on the Database node in the Database or Object Explorer) and is generated when you run the Extract DDL feature on the database. ST#55,688
(DB2 for LUW) Toad now fully qualifies package names in ALTER scripts. ST#57,565
Generated scripts now insert single apostrophes (ticks) around DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP values used in partitioning keys for tables and indexes. ST#57,991
(DB2 for LUW) The table object editor now supports NOT LOGGED INITIALLY and ACTIVATE NOT LOGGED INITIALLY options.ST#58,531
(DB2 for z/OS) The definition for an alter partitioned index now identifies the correct index type.ST#58,667
Query Builder A new option in Tools Options Database Query Builder lets you disable auto-joins when adding tables. ST#54,908
The Notes icon now displays for a relationship in the Query Builder and in ER Diagrammer.

This update resolves an issue identified as a known issue in previous Release Notes versions.

SQL Analysis for DB2 LUW You can now collect and analyze SQL on DB2 9.5 databases. ST#54,144


Space Management (DB2 for LUW) (For DB2 9.1 or later databases) The new Database node in the Database or Object Explorer provides a Space Usage tab, showing space allocation and usage at the database level. ST#43,716
Stand-alone Utilities (DB2 for LUW) Import and Export utilities for DB2 now return columns in physical order, not alphabetical order. ST#55,766
Version Control
Date fields in tables exported to CVS files retain their original formats. ST#63,051

The following is a list of issues known to exist at the time of the Toad for DB2 release.


Known Issue

Defect ID

GeneralAttempting to launch Toad results in a System.Security.Policy.PolicyException error.

Ensure that the system administrator has placed Toad in the correct code group with permissions to execute code.

Customized options defined in Toad's Configuration wizard are not applied if you are running as a Restricted user. CR#216699
As a security measure in Windows Vista, when a standard user belonging to an Administrators group launches a process and the Vista User Access Control security feature is enabled, the process launches with only standard user privileges. However, under these restricted privileges, Toad can have problems cataloging DB2 systems (including transferring a DB2 catalog at Toad setup) and running utilities through CLP, thus affecting advanced alters and other Toad functionality.

Additionally, this user does not have write access to the Toad default storage folder (the Toad installation folder) where files, such a the license key file and export profiles generated in the Client Configuration wizard, are stored when no explicit path is specified. Instead, Vista automatically copies files to C:Usersdb2adminAppDataLocalVirtual StoreProgram FilesQuest SoftwareToad for DB2 version. The Toad user can have the following issues:

  • When the user attempts to launch Toad again, Toad cannot find the license key file.
  • The user might not know where to find the export profiles since they are stored in an unexpected location.

When launching Toad as standard user belonging to an Administrators group, right-click the Toad icon on the Vista desktop, and select Run as administrator.

If a Vista standard user belonging to an Administrators group has launched Toad with the Vista User Access Control security feature enabled, the user cannot open a Spotlight on DB2 for z/OS session within Toad due to insufficient privileges.

When launching Toad as standard user belonging to an Administrators group, right-click the Toad icon on the Vista desktop, and select Run as administrator.

The Toad db2cli.ini file defines that Toad connects to the catalog node on multi-partitioned DB2 for LUW databases. To change the node to which Toad connects, use the following steps to edit the file:
  1. Locate db2cli.ini in the DB2 Client folder in your Toad installation folder. (The default installation location for the file is C:Program FilesQuest SoftwareToad for DB2 4.5SQLLIB.)
  2. Open the file and do one of the following.

    Edit the following line with the correct node specification:



    Comment out the line by placing a semi-colon at the beginning of the line:

    ;ConnectNode = SQL_CONN_CATALOG_NODE



The Toad for DB2 installation process installs a DB2 client in the specified Toad installation path. If the user chooses to override the default Toad installation path, the new path cannot include Unicode characters because the DB2 client installation does not support such characters. N/A
If a Vista standard user belonging to an Administrators group attempts to uninstall Toad when the Vista User Access Control security feature is enabled, the uninstall might hang.

Turn off the User Access Control security feature and then uninstall.

If a DB2 for LUW 7 client is installed on the machine where you are installing Toad, you must upgrade the DB2 client to version 8 before installing Toad to avoid losing functionality in some DB2 native tools. CR#192879
Network and LAN installations are currently not supported. N/A
If a Windows XP power user attempts to uninstall Toad, initially installed by a power user, the uninstall might fail.

Uninstall a second time using the Windows Add or Remove Programs feature.

Data Reports Currently, you cannot create a Label Report in the Toad Data Report wizard. ST#42,133
Database or Object Explorer
Performance problems might occur when browsing a large number of database objects.

If performance issues do arise and caching is enabled (that is, Enable caching is selected in Toad on the Tools Options Database Cache page), do the following to help maximize performance: Verify that the Maximum in-memory size value specified on the Cache page is greater than or equal to the Current in-memory value displayed. If necessary, increase the Maximum in-memory size value.

Debugger Currently, the debugger does not support Unicode schema names. ST#41,770
The following object types are not found when using the View Object at Cursor feature:
  • Triggers
  • Procedures
  • Functions
  • Users
When you edit a script in Toad, you must delimit SQL identifiers that begin with @ to differentiate these identifiers from named parameters. For more information, refer to the following IBM documentation: CR#224375
Export Data (Toad core feature) Binary data types cannot be exported in this release. ST#41,665


When exporting large result sets (approximately 500K), you might run out of memory before the operation completes.

Create a view for the query and export that view.



FTP Connections When you use Toad's FTP Connections feature to transfer scripts, reports, or files to a z/OS machine, you can transfer only in USS directory mode. Currently Toad does not support FTP connections in dataset mode to z/OS machines. ST#62,340
Help in Toad The help does not state the DB2 restriction that you cannot drop packages containing triggers N/A
Migration/Object Compare/Schema Compare
(DB2 for LUW only) If the source schema contains a table alias with the same name as the target schema, synchronizing the schemas results in the target schema name being replaced with the actual table name from the source table. CR#140343
(DB2 for z/OS only) A comparison of materialized query tables generates an 'undefined name' error.ST#42,913
Schema Compare synchronization does not create tablespaces on target to synchronize tablespace differences.

To create tablespaces during synchronization, use Object Compare instead.

(DB2 for LUW) The Object Compare synchronization script is not generating the required DROP statements for target functions and procedures that need to be recreated to synchronize them with those on the source. ST#53,435
(DB2 for z/OS) Toad supports the migration and synchronization of LOB object DDL, but does not support the migration or preservation of LOB data. ST#53,640
(DB2 for z/OS) During synchronization, Schema Compare fails to create the partitioned tablespace in which to place an index-controlled partitioned table.

Use the new Object Compare feature to generate the synchronization script.

(DB2 for z/OS) During synchronization, Schema Compare places a newly created index-controlled partitioned table in an implicit tablespace, instead of the intended partitioned tablespace. A DB2 error is generated during the creation of the partitioned index.

Use the new Object Compare feature to generate the synchronization script.

(DB2 for z/OS) When synchronizing partitioned indexes, Schema Compare fails to create the partitioned tablespaces in which to place the partitioned tables that the indexes control. ST#63,613
(DB2 for LUW) When synchronizing range-clustered tables, Schema Compare fails to generate CREATE TABLE statements. ST#64,099
(DB2 for z/OS) Schema Compare synchronization is creating auxiliary tables in temporary tablespaces, instead of creating them in the proper existing (empty) tablespaces. ST#64,130
When preserving target data, Schema Compare and Object Compare generate scripts that list columns for the re-created tables in source-table order, which can be different from the order in which the target data is unloaded. ST#64,749
(DB2 for LUW) When you are migrating data only and the data contains XML and identity columns, the resulting script is invalid, causing the migration to fail. ST#64,750
Object Management
Toad supports scripting, creation, and alteration of nicknames that are based on DRDA-type wrappers only. N/A
(DB2 for z/OS only) When you alter a table to reduce the size of a column referenced in other tables via RI, the LOAD phase in the advanced ALTER fails with a DSNU334I INPUT FIELD INVALID error. The load cards show the original column length. ST#44,753
SQL Analysis for LUW SQL Analysis does not provide support for Unicode, multi-language, or Microsoft cluster environments. N/A
DB2 truncates dynamic SQL statement text in a DB2 event monitor when deadlock monitoring is enabled in SQL Analysis. The truncated statement text displays in SQL Analysis with three consecutive periods (. . .) at the end.

Clear the Collect Deadlocks option on the Create Collection window in SQL Analysis to disable deadlock monitoring.

Stand-alone Utilities (DB2 for LUW) When you run the Reorg Tables or Runstats Tables feature from the right-click menu on a tablespace that contains partitioned tables, both the object list in the Reorg (or Runstats) Tables window and the resulting script omit the partitioned tables. ST#63,778
Version Control
The Update Schema function for version control often requires that objects be dropped and recreated. If tables are referenced by foreign key constraints, the following error occurs when executing the script:

'Could not drop object N because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.'

Currently Version Control handles only DB2-standard schema names and file and folder names that are compatible with the underlying Version Control repository. ST#42,184
You currently cannot check object list definitions into version control. ST#42,188
(CVS only) Each version control configuration should point to a unique Root Folder location on the Source Repository to avoid conflicting file usage. CR#228422
(CVS only) You might receive an 'Unknown Error..' message when using the sspi protocol to connect to a CVSNT server.

Possible Workaround:
Include 'user@' in the Provider Information Server field. Information in the Server field should use the following format:


(CVS only) You cannot successfully configure CVS using the SSH protocol.


  1. If the CVS binary is not accessible from the user's SSH home directory, set the CVS_SERVER environment variable on the client to enable the Unix shell account to access the CVS binary:


where /CVSbinaryPath is your path for the CVS binary.

(To display the list of environment variables to edit, right-click My Computer, and select Properties. From the System Properties window, select the Advanced tab, and click Environment Variables.)

  1. Run the client from a command prompt so that the user's password for the server gets cached. (You cannot enter the password within Toad.)

cvs -d ':ssh:user@server:repositoryPath' login

where repositoryPath is your path to the CVS repository.

  1. Start Toad for DB2, and configure CVS (through the Options window), entering :ssh:user@server:repositoryPath as the server string in the Server field.
  2. Log in to CVS.

The following is a list of third party issues known to exist at the time of the Toad for DB2 release.


Known Issue

Change Request

GeneralYou cannot insert a double-byte character into a database with a single-byte codepage. IBM PMR30857,756,000 states that this configuration is not supported. CR#220327
(DB2 for LUW only) Certain Toad functions use the DB2 snapshot monitor to capture information about containers used in a database. To capture this information in a multi-partition database, the snapshot monitor requires that all database partitions be active. Therefore, to ensure that Toad obtains container information across all partitions, execute the DB2 command ACTIVATE DATABASE real_database_name on the server before connecting Toad to the database. This command keeps all partitions on the database active. For more information about ACTIVATE DATABASE, refer to the IBM DB2 for Linux, Unix, and Windows documentation.N/A
Connections to Toad are lost, generating SQL0902 errors from the .NET driver. IBM has opened PMR 47384,756,000 to investigate this issue.ST#56,141
You cannot install DB2 for LUW 8 on the same system that already has Toad for DB2 3.0 installed. This problem exists because of a current DB2 limitation in which DB2 for LUW 8 cannot be installed on a system on which DB2 for LUW 9 resides. (Toad for DB2 includes a customized version of DB2 for LUW 9.)
If you need to install DB2 for LUW 8, uninstall Toad, install DB2 for LUW 8, and then reinstall Toad. For more information, refer to the Release Notes for IBM DB2 9 for Linux, Unix, and Windows.
An SQL0805N error occurs when performing a DML statement on a database.

Refer to the following IBM documentation for an explanation and a solution:

Database Explorer/ Object Explorer
Schemas containing empty names or special characters are not supported in this release and will display as QUEST_SCHEMA_PLACE_HOLDER when used.CR#133127
(DB2 for LUW) Initially, an SQL0873N error occurred when you attempted to view tablespace container information. The error stemmed from running SNAP and SNAPSHOT-level table functions against a codepage 819 database. IBM addressed the issue with APAR IZ41782.ST#59,222
Data GridA Microsoft .NET Framework issue causes an exception error when you attempt to browse the Data tab for a table containing a decimal value with a precision greater than 28 or 29. This issue is described in
Timestamp data causes exceptions when you click the Data tab or attempt to query the table. This issue is related to the IBM DB2 APAR IY87346. CR#220839
(DB2 for LUW)Attempting to update a table column value that is not generated causes an error when another column in the table is defined as GENERATED ALWAYS. IBM has opened PMR 48511,756,000 to investigate this issue.ST#51,035
(DB2 for z/OS) Tables that contain decimal data larger than 28 or 29 decimals results in an error stating:

'Value was either too large or too small for a Decimal.'

This is due to a limitation in the .NET Framework in which the maximum decimal that the Framework can handle is 10^31 with 0 decimal.

Perform the following:

  1. Click the Filter Data icon in the data grid.
  2. Select the SQL tab.
  3. Select the Enable custom SQL checkbox.
  4. Enter a query that casts the decimal column as a character data type with 32 characters similar to the following:


Note: When using this workaround, if the number of characters is less than 32, leading zeros display.

You cannot add data to tables that include columns that have the GENERATED ALWAYS AS option enabled. The IBM Command Builder generates the INSERT statement and includes the generated always column, which results in the following error:

'A value cannot be specified for column 'GEN' which is defined as GENERATED ALWAYS. SQLSTATE=428C9'

Use the Editor to insert data into tables that include the 'Generated always as' option set.

DebuggerWhen compiling with debug, disable AutoCommit (Tools Options Database General) to allow a rollback if there is a problem when dropping and creating the procedure. Once you successfully create the procedure, commit the changes before starting the debugging session.N/A
When debugging, you must enter a value for every start parameter, regardless of whether they are input or output values or an error message incorrectly informs you that the procedure must be compiled with debug information.CR#143234
(DB2 for LUW) The following error message is displayed when you attempt to modify a watch value during a Debug session on a DB2 for LUW 9 database:

'ERROR [57011] [IBM][DB2/NT] SQL0954C Not enough storage is available in the application heap to process the statement. SQLSTATE=57011'

The call to modify the watch value fails on DB2, and the server runs out of heap memory.

To avoid the heap memory issue, increase the application heap size on the server.

(DB2 for z/OS) A message stating that a procedure is not compiled with the Debug code, when in fact it is, is being generated. This issue is due to an error in the z/OS implementation of Create_Session.CR#207662
(DB2 for LUW)The 'Unable to initialize debug session' error that is generated when you attempt to debug procedures in DB2 for LUW is a DB2-related issue. A future release of a DB2 unified debugger should help reduce the occurrence of this issue. Case#517909
EditorAttempting to create an object in the Editor when the schema selected from the drop-down list in the Editor toolbar is different than the schema you logged into, results in an error. Toad issues a SET CURRENT SCHEMA statement the first time you execute a script/statement.

You can use either of the following methods as a workaround:

  • Select the schema that you are logged into and fully qualify the schema name for the objects.
  • Issue a SET CURRENT SQLID statement to set the schema on which you want to create objects.
(DB2 for LUW)Dropping a nickname does not drop its primary key. This issue (PMR 30432,756,000) was fixed in DB2 9.1 Fixpak 3.ST#42,503
Export Data (Toad core feature)In order to export to an Office 2003 or 2007 Excel instance, the Office 2003 Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs) must be installed. You can install the PIAs from one of the following locations:

2003 PIAs

2007 PIAs

Migration/Object Compare/Schema Compare(DB2 for LUW) You cannot synchronize schemas if the Code Pages on the compared schemas do not match.CR#141383
Object Management(DB2 for z/OS)There is a known z/OS issue when attempting to ALTER partitioning index values for PRIQTY and SECQTY. If these values are changed in Toad, the subsequent ALTER statement is generated without ENDING AT values for the partition keys. The generated syntax is correct; however a database error will occur. IBM has issued z/OS APAR PK69271 to address the issue.ST#49,829
(DB2 for LUW) Running queries or performing database administrative tasks in Toad on DB2 databases running on an AIX 5.2 machine can cause the DB2 instance to crash. IBM has addressed this issue with APAR IY79365.ST#57,962
(DB2 for LUW) db2bp.exe can fail with a Windows error during advanced alters, migrations, Object Compare synchronization, and regular object management. IBM has issued APAR JR33088 to address this issue.ST#59,491
You cannot create a DB2 8 database from a DB2 9 client. Therefore, you cannot use Toad's DB2 LUW Create Database wizard to create a DB2 8 database. N/A
(DB2 for z/OS) Attempting to drop a distinct type or sequence with a delimited blank name results in following error due to server side abends:

'IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0108E Communication link failure. SQLSTATE=40003'

This is a known IBM DB2 issue and IBM has opened APAR PK3269 to track this issue.

(DB2 for z/OS) In some cases, a user can revoke INSERT privileges on a table for the owner and cause a cascading revoke of privileges for any user (including the revoker) who was granted privileges by the table owner. This is a known IBM DB2 issue and IBM has opened APAR PK30558 to track this issue. N/A
(DB2 for z/OS) The following DB2 error is generated when you try to refresh an MQ table:

'ERROR [58031] [IBM] SQL1034C The database is damaged..'

This error is identified in APAR PQ97328. The APAR states that, if the statement text in the CREATE TABLE statement for a materialized table is more than 4K, the statement text stored in the SYSVIEW.VIEWS catalog table entries for the table (after the first three sequence number entries) contains unusable data.

The APAR has been fixed with PTF UK00557. However, any materialized tables created before this fix need to be dropped and recreated and REFRESH rerun.

SQL Analysis for DB2 LUWDatabases on DB2 for LUW 8.1 (with FixPaks 1 through 4 applied) generate deadlock events that show a zero lock-wait start time. IBM has addressed this issue with APAR JR18739 in DB2 8.1 FixPak 5.N/A

Upgrade Toad for DB2

Review upgrade information in the Toad for DB2 Installation Guide available from the Windows Start menu under Program Files Quest Software Toad for DB2 Documentation.

Upgrade the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component

An upgrade to the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS component is available with Toad for DB2 4.5.2. To ensure you have the latest z/OS component upgrade on a DB2 subsystem, do one of the following:

  • If neither the Quest Central for DB2 mainframe component nor the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS component resides on the DB2 subsystem, perform a complete installation of the Toad IBM DB2 z/OS component available with Toad for DB2 4.5.2. See the Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Installation Guide for more information.

  • If the Quest Central for DB2 mainframe component or a pre-4.5.0 Quest IBM DB2 z/OS component resides on the DB2 subsystem, perform the following two-part upgrade:

  • If Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5.0 resides on the DB2 subsystem, perform Part 1: Update the LOADLIB only.

Determine Current Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component Version

To determine the Quest z/OS component version currently installed on a DB2 subsystem

  1. Open a Toad Editor on the DB2 subsystem connection.
  2. Execute the following query:


If the returned value is, the component version is 4.5.0. A value less than indicates a pre-4.5.0 version.


Part 1: Update the LOADLIB

To update the LOADLIB

  1. Allocate a sequential file on the mainframe using the following attributes:




  1. Use FTP or an IND$FILE transfer to copy loadlib.xmi (located in the PluginsDB2zOS folder where the Toad for DB2 4.5.2 client is installed) to the sequential file you set up in step 1. Transfer the file in binary mode.
  2. At a TSO command prompt, type the following, where '' is the file you allocated in step 1:


  1. At message INMR906A, type the following:


The variable ’’ is either the name of the new PDS/E or the name of the old LOADLIB you are replacing, depending on whether you created a new PDS/E or are using the existing LOADLIB.

  1. If you chose to receive the xmi dataset into a new PDS/E, do the following:
  1. Update the WLM-started tasks and QPDSNAT procedures to reflect the new load library name.

  1. APF-authorize the new LOADLIB.

Part 2: Define the New Functions

To define the new functions

  1. Locate the U4045DDL member in the PluginsDB2zOS folder where the Toad for DB2 4.5.2 client is installed.

  2. Open this file in the Toad Editor.

  3. Change the %COLLID% and %MULTTCB% variables in the script to match those currently used in your system.

  4. Execute the script to define the two new functions.

  5. Grant these functions the same EXECUTE privileges granted to other QUEST functions.

Verify that your system meets the requirements described in the following sections:

Client Requirements

Toad for DB2 client installation requires the following.

Note: If a DB2 for LUW 7 client is installed on the machine where you are installing Toad, you must upgrade the DB2 client to version 8 before installing to avoid losing functionality in some DB2 native tools.


1 GHz minimum

Memory512 MB of RAM minimum, 1 GB recommended

Note: The memory required may vary based on the following:

  • Applications that are running on your system when using Toad
  • Size and complexity of the database
  • Amount of database activity
  • Number of concurrent users accessing the database
Hard Disk Space212 MB of disk space required to run Toad.

Allocate the following additional space as needed:

  • If installing the Toad SQL Tuning for DB2 z/OS component, allocate an additional 45 MB.
  • If installing Toad SQL Analysis for DB2 LUW, allocate an additional 47 MB.
  • If installing the Quest SQL Optimizer for DB2 LUW, refer to the Release Notes for that product for disk space requirements.
Operating SystemAny of the following:
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32-bit only)
  • Windows 2003 (32-bit only)
  • Windows Vista (tested on 32-bit Ultimate edition with XP Graphics)
  • Windows Server 2008 (tested on 32-bit Ultimate edition with XP Graphics)

Note: The Toad SQL Analysis for DB2 LUW client is not supported on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.

.NET Framework.NET Framework

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (Service Pack 1)


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  • The .NET Framework Client Profile is not supported.
  • To run Toad, the .NET security policy must be set to unrestricted. See User Privilege Requirements for more information.
  • Toad installs a DB2 for LUW 9.5 client as part of the installation process. The DB2 9.5 client can co-exist with an existing DB2 8 client; however, it is incompatible with a DB2 7 client. If a DB2 7 client is already installed on the system, the Toad installation stops and cannot complete. To avoid losing functionality in some DB2 native tools, upgrade to the DB2 8 client; then restart the Toad installation.
Other RequirementsSVGA monitor with a minimum resolution of 800x600, 1024x768 recommended

Server Requirements

Toad supports any of these DB2 and operating system versions.

Database Versions Any of these database versions:

Supported DB2 for z/OS versions

  • IBM DB2 8.1 for z/OS
  • IBM DB2 9.1 for z/OS

Note: At this time, Toad supports DB2 8.1 for z/OS running in Full Function mode, but does not support DB2 8.1 running in Compatibility mode.

Supported DB2 for LUW versions

  • IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (LUW) 8.x (8.1.5 or later)
  • IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (LUW) 9.x


  • To run RUNSTATS and the native REORG utility on tablespaces and indexes, Toad supports version DB2 for LUW 8.2.2 or later.
  • At this time, Toad SQL Analysis for DB2 LUW does not support DB2 for LUW 9.7.
Database Operating System PlatformsAny of these operating systems:

Supported z/OS platforms

  • z/OS (V1R6 Base Services [5694-A01] or later)

Support Linux, Unix, or Windows platforms

  • IBM AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1
  • HP-UX 11i 1.5, 2 (32- and 64-bit)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 and 4 (32- and 64-bit)
  • Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 (32- and 64-bit)
  • SuSE 7, 8, 9
  • Windows 2000, 2003 (including 64-bit), XP
Operating System Platforms for the Toad for DB2 AgentToad requires that the Toad for DB2 Agent 5.1 reside on DB2 for LUW server on which you intend to execute scripts server-side (using the Toad LUW Remote Script Execution component) or to collect SQL using Toad SQL Analysis for DB2 LUW.

The agent supports servers running in any of these operation systems:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows 2003 (32-bit), Windows XP (32-bit)
  • Sun Solaris 7 or later
  • IBM AIX 4.3 or later
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 or 9 for zLinux
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 or 9 United Linux for Intel x86
  • SuSE Linux (2.6 Kernel) on AMD64 (x86_24)
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0 or 4.0 zLinux (31-bit)
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux AS 2.1, 3.0, or 4.0 for Intel x86
  • RedHat Enterprise AS 4.0 (2.6 Kernel) on AMD64 (x86)


  • In 64-bit zLinux environments, the Toad for DB2 Agent supports only DB2 for LUW 9.1 or later.
  • To collect SQL in a RedHat or a SuSE Linux 2.6 environment on an x86-64 (AMD64) server, Toad SQL Analysis requires a minimum of DB2 for LUW 8.1 with FixPak 10 applied.
  • Sun Solaris 7 servers must have Sun Solaris 7 patch 106327 applied.
  • RedHat 3.0 servers must have compatibility library compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.122.i386.rpm installed. This package is available on RedHat Advanced Server 3.0 installation CDs.

See the Toad for DB2 LUW Installation Guide for agent requirements and installation instructions.

Hard Disk Space for Toad for DB2 Agent
  • For the Toad LUW Remote Script Execution agent component, 34.9 MB
  • For Toad SQL Analysis services, 35 MB

User Privilege Requirements

The following are user requirements for installing and running Toad:

User Requirements to Install Toad

Only Administrators and Power Users can install Toad.

Note: The following exceptions exist for Power Users:

  • A Power User cannot install Toad on a computer running Windows Vista Enterprise. This is a Windows limitation because Vista does not support Power User mode.
  • (DB2 only) A Power User cannot install Toad if a DB2 for LUW version earlier than 8.1.7 already exists on the computer. Only an Administrator can install Toad under this condition. However, if the computer has an existing DB2 for LUW 8.1.7 or later installation, a Power User can install Toad as long as this user belongs to the DB2ADMNS or DBUSERS group.

If an Administrator installs Toad, the Administrator can share the Toad shortcut icon on the desktop and menu items with any user--a Power User, Restricted User, Vista standard user--on the computer.

If a Power User installs Toad, a Restricted User cannot do the following:

  • Associate file extensions.
  • View the Toad shortcut icon on the desktop or the Toad menu options on the Windows Start menu. As a workaround, Restricted Users can create a shortcut to Toad from the install directory and place the shortcut on their desktop.

User Requirements and Restrictions for Running Toad

The following describes the requirements and restrictions for users who launch and run Toad:

  • A Windows Power User or Restricted User must belong to the DB2ADMNS or DB2USERS group. To add the user to one of these groups, select Start Control Panel Administrative Tools Computer Management System Tools Local Users and Groups Groups DB2ADMNS (or DB2USERS).
  • A Windows Vista user must be either an administrator or a standard user that belongs to a Vista Administrators group. Additionally, to enable full functionality in Toad when Vista’s User Access Control security feature is turned on, the standard user must run Toad as an administrator. (Right-click the Toad icon on the Vista desktop, and select Run as administrator.)
  • A Windows Power User or Restricted User does not have the authority to add or remove DB2 catalog entries using the Toad Client Configuration wizard. However, this user can use the Import Profile function in the Toad Client Configuration wizard to import catalog entries saved to an file (via the db2cfexp command) into the Toad client catalog.
  • To take full advantage of Toad for DB2 LUW functionality, the user ID specified in the Toad connection profile for each DB2 for LUW database connection requires the authorizations listed in the following document:
  • As a minimum to manage DB2 for z/OS subsystems in Toad, the user ID specified in the Toad connection profile for a specific subsystem must either have SYSADM privileges or be granted SELECT privileges on the DB2 catalog tables. For a complete list of authorizations (and corresponding GRANT statements) a user requires to take full advantage of Toad for DB2 z/OS functionality, refer to the following document:
  • To run Toad, the .NET security policy must be set to Unrestricted. To modify the security policy:
  1. Select Control Panel from the Windows Start menu.
  2. Double-click Administrative Tools.
  3. Double-click Microsoft .NET Framework version Configuration.
  4. Select My Computer, and then select the Runtime Security Policy node.
  5. Select Evaluate Assembly from the list of tasks in the right panel.
  6. In the File field, locate and select Toad.exe.
  7. Click Next, and set the permission to Unrestricted.
  • To create or modify the QuestSoftware.ToadSecurity table to enable Toad Security, the user who maintains this table must have privileges to create, insert, update, and delete it. All other users need only the ability to read the QuestSoftware.ToadSecurity table to use Toad Security features.
  • For information about defining a RACF, Unix, or Linux group as a Toad Security role, see the About Setting Up Toad Security topic in the Toad online help. This topic explains how to add the Toad Security icons to your toolbar and how to define Toad Security roles that apply to your current connection. (The ability to define RACF, Unix, and Linux groups as Toad Security roles works with DB2 for LUW 9 or later databases and DB2 for z/OS 8 or later subsystems.)

Citrix Requirements

Toad has been tested for Citrix support on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Server (Service Pack 2) using the Metaframe Access Suite 4.0 and Citrix Presentation Server Clients 10.2. For information about installing Toad in a Citrix environment, refer to Install Toad on Citrix Systems in the Toad for DB2 Installation Guide.

LDAP Requirements

To connect to a Lightweight Directory Application Protocol (LDAP) server, you must enable LDAP support and specify the host name and port number of the LDAP server for the DB2 client installed with Toad.

Note: Keep the following mind:

  • You must configure LDAP support for the DB2 client installed with Toad regardless of whether an existing DB2 client on the machine is already configured to support LDAP.
  • Currently, Toad for DB2 supports only access to DB2 LDAP catalog entries. Toad does not support the management of these entries.

To configure Toad to use LDAP

  1. Open the Command Window for the DB2 client installed with Toad by selecting Start All Programs IBM DB2 <ToadCom, ToadEval, or ToadFree> Command Line Tools Command Window.
  2. Type the following command to enable LDAP support:


  1. Type the following command to specify the TCP/IP host name and port number of the LDAP server:

db2set DB2LDAPHOST=hostname[:port]

The port number defaults to 389 (default LDAP port) if you leave the port number blank.

  1. Exit the Command Window.
  2. Launch Toad and open the Connections window.

Databases on the LDAP server should now be available from the Database Alias drop-down list in the Connections window. To complete the Toad connection setup, you must create a Toad profile for each database. See Create Toad Connection Profiles in the Toad for DB2 Installation Guide.

Requirement for Capturing Container Information in a DB2 for LUW Multi-Partition Database

Certain Toad functions use the DB2 snapshot monitor to capture information about containers used in DB2 for LUW databases. To capture this information for a multi-partition database, the snapshot monitor requires that all database partitions be active. Therefore, to ensure that Toad obtains container information across all partitions, execute the DB2 command ACTIVATE DATABASE real_database_name on the server before connecting Toad to the database. This command keeps all partitions on the database active. For more information about ACTIVATE DATABASE, refer to the IBM DB2 for Linux, Unix, and Windows documentation.

Compile and Debug Requirements for Stored SQL Procedures

The following are the requirements for using Toad to compile and debug stored SQL procedures in DB2 for z/OS.

Toad Client Requirements

To use the Toad debugger on stored SQL procedures, the following Toad client requirements must be met:

  • The Toad client is running on a Windows XP machine.
  • Java Runtime 1.4 or later is installed and specified in your system path.

DB2 Subsystem Requirements

Each DB2 subsystem on which you want to compile and debug stored SQL procedures must meet these requirements:

  • To compile stored SQL procedures in Toad, the DB2 stored procedure SYSPROC.DSNTPSMP must be operational on the subsystem.
  • To debug stored SQL procedures in Toad, the IBM DB2 installation job DSNTIJSD must be executed on the subsystem.

Requirements for Using Toad DB2 for z/OS Functionality

  • To perform any of the following functionality in Toad, you must have Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5 installed on your DB2 for z/OS subsystems:

    • Bind and rebind DB2 for z/OS packages and plans

    • Invoke DB2 for z/OS utilities and commands within scripts that Toad for DB2 advanced alters, migrations, and synchronizations generate

    • Run stand-alone DB2 for z/OS utilities and commands in Toad

    • Run DB2 for z/OS commands from the Editor

    • Execute remote DB2 for z/OS scripts

    • Create, alter, or drop dataset templates

    • Run Display, Start, and Stop commands on DB2 for z/OS databases, tablespace, and indexes

    • Access accurate buffer-pool information for the DB2 subsystem

    • View volumes available for defining storage

    • Access information about current threads connected to the DB2 subsystem

    • Assign a RACF group to a Toad Security role to control the Toad features available to all users belonging to the RACF group.

If you currently have the Quest Central for DB2 z/OS component or a previous Quest IBM DB2 z/OS component installed on your DB2 subsystem, perform an upgrade. Use the instructions found in Upgrade and Compatibility.

If the neither the Quest Central for DB2 z/OS component nor a previous Quest IBM DB2 z/OS component currently exists on your DB2 subsystem, perform a new installation of Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5. Use the instructions found in the Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Installation Guide (available from the Windows Start menu under Program Files Quest Software Toad for DB2 Documentation).

  • The IBM stored procedure SYSPROC.DSNUTILU must be installed and operational on each DB2 subsystem on which you are executing DB2 utilities. For additional information about SYSPROC.DSNUTILU, refer to Appendix B of the IBM DB2 Universal Database for z/OS Utility Guide and Reference.

Note: A 32K character-size limit exists for each utility statement executing through DSNUTIILU.

  • When Toad generates an ALTER script that contains multiple UNLOADs and LOADs of table data, ensure that the DSN values in the dataset templates include a &SEQ variable to create unique dataset names.
  • When Toad migrates data from one subsystem to another, Toad invokes the IBM DB2 for z/OS UNLOAD and LOAD utilities. The definition for Reorg Unload dataset template should define a dataset that resides on a pack (VOLSER) that is accessible by both the source and target subsystem.

Recommended Indexes to Improve Toad Performance in DB2 for z/OS

User-defined indexes on specific system catalog tables can improve performance when you are browsing DB2 for z/OS objects in Toad. The following link contains the DDL for indexes that can optimize Toad performance on your DB2 for z/OS subsystem. Keep in mind that the creation of these indexes is a recommendation only. The indexes can have different results in different environments, depending on the number of DB2 objects and the amount of data involved. To create these indexes, edit and run the DDL contained in the following file:

Additionally, if the schema drop-down lists in the Object Migration wizard populate slowly, consider creating an index on the SCHEMA and CREATOR columns in the catalog table for each object type. Here is a list of some of the object-type tables:


Requirements for Object Migration

The following are specifications for using Toad's Object Migration wizard to migrate DB2 objects and their dependencies:

  • You cannot migrate objects between a DB2 for LUW and DB2 for z/OS platform and vice versa.
  • Unexpected results can occur if you map two source schemas to the same target schema, and the two source schemas contain same-named objects (for example, if you map both source Schema A and source Schema B to target Schema C, and Schema A and Schema B both contain a table with the name Table1).

ConfigurationRequirements for SQL Analysis

Autodesk License File Location

SQL Analysis requires the following configuration on the database servers on which you intend to run SQL collections:

  • 36 4-kilobyte pages to run event monitors.
  • The mon_heap_sz database manager configuration parameter set appropriately to support event monitors. See the IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows System Monitor Guide and Reference for more information about setting this parameter.

Version Control Requirements

Supported Providers

Toad for DB2 supports the following version control providers for the versions and platforms listed. Testing is not complete for versions and platforms not listed:

Toad License File Location
Supported ProviderServer Version TestedClient Version Tested
Visual SourceSafe (VSS)VSS 6.0dVSS 6.0d
Concurrent Versions System (CVS)CVS 1.11.22 on Solaris
CVSNT 2.5.03 on Windows
CVNT 2.5.03
SubversionSubversion 1.5.6CollabNet Subversion Command-Line Client 1.5.6


  • Toad supports only Subversion 1.5.6 or later
  • Any Subversion client must have svn.exe in its installation directory to use version control in Toad.
  • Tortoise SVN is no longer supported in Toad because it no longer includes svn.exe in its installation directory.
Team Foundation Server (TFS)TFS 2005, 2008Visual Studio (2005 and 2008) Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider

Configuration Prerequisites

You must configure Toad to work with your existing version control system. Ensure that you install the following on the same computer where you installed Toad.

Note: Toad connects to your version control system based on login information included in your configuration. Your version control client does not need to run for Toad to connect.

VSSVSS client
CVSCVSNT 2.5 client
SubversionSubversion client must be 1.5.6 or later, and the client must include the Subversion binary executable (svn.exe) in the client installation directory to work in Toad.


  • Any Subversion client must have svn.exe in its installation directory to use version control in Toad.

  • In the BinaryPath field of the Command Based Version Control Properties window in Toad, you must specify the Subversion client installation directory where snv.exe is installed. Do not include the executable file name in this path.

TFSVisual Studio Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider


  • This is not the same client that you install with Visual Studio. Download the MSSCCI Provider from one of these locations:

2005 MSSCCI Provider:

2008 MSSCCI Provider:

  • Specify the workspace name for the provider in the Team Foundation Server Properties window in Toad.

This section contains information about installing and operating this product in non-English configurations, such as those needed by customers outside of North America. This section does not replace the materials about supported platforms and configurations found elsewhere in the product documentation.

This release is Unicode-enabled and supports any character set. It supports simultaneous operation with multilingual data. This release is targeted to support operations in the following regions: North America, Western Europe and Latin America, Far-East Asia, Japan.

However, this release has the following known capabilities or limitations:

  • During the Toad for DB2 installation process, a user can override the default installation path, but cannot include Unicode characters in the new path specification. This limitation exists because Toad installs a DB2 for LUW client in the specified Toad installation path, and DB2 installations do not support Unicode characters.
  • (Toad for DB2 for z/OS Xpert Edition and Toad for DB2 for LUW or z/OS DBA Edition only) The Toad SQL Tuning for DB2 z/OS, Toad SQL Analysis for DB2 LUW, and Toad Remote Script Execution (for DB2 LUW or z/OS) features support single-byte character sets only. These features do not support double-byte or multi-byte character sets. All DB2 client and server installations should be configured to use the same or compatible character encodings and the same locale and regional options.

Contents of the Release Package

The Toad for DB2 release package contains the following products:

  • Toad for DB2 4.5.2
  • Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component 4.5,2
  • Product documentation, including:
    • Toad for DB2 Installation Guide
    • Quest IBM DB2 z/OS Component Installation Guide
    • Toad for DB2 LUW Agent Installation Guide
    • On-line help
    • Other documentation based on the Toad for DB2 edition that you purchased

Installation Instructions

For important information about installing Toad for DB2, refer to the Toad for DB2 Installation Guide available from the Windows Start menu under Program Files Quest Software Toad for DB2 Documentation.

  • Do not attempt to manually import catalog entries from the IBM CLP window provided with Toad. If you have any DB2 ODBC entries, db2cfimp will overwrite your existing ODBC system DSN entries and can cause previously configured DB2 ODBC connections to stop working.
  • If a DB2 for LUW 7 client is installed on the machine where you are installing Toad, you must upgrade the DB2 client to version 8 before installing to avoid losing functionality in some DB2 native tools.

Installation Instructions for Additional Components

To install other Toad for DB2 components, refer to the following documentation:

ComponentInstallation InstructionsDocumentation Location
Quest IBM DB2 z/OS componentQuest IBM DB2 z/OS Component Installation GuideFrom the Start menu, select Program Files Quest Software Toad for DB2 Documentation
Toad for DB2 agentToad for DB2 LUW Agent Installation GuideFrom the Start menu, select Program Files Quest Software Toad for DB2 Documentation
Quest SQL Optimizer for DB2 LUWQuest SQL Optimizer for IBM DB2 LUW Installation GuideDownloaded from Quest SupportLink ( or from the Quest product site (
Toad SQL Tuning for DB2 z/OSToad for DB2 Installation GuideFrom the Start menu, select Program Files Quest Software Toad for DB2 Documentation
Toad SQL Analysis for DB2 LUWToad for DB2 Installation GuideFrom the Start menu, select Program Files Quest Software Toad for DB2 Documentation

Contacting Quest Software:
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From SupportLink, you can do the following:

  • Quickly find thousands of solutions (Knowledgebase articles/documents).
  • Download patches and upgrades.
  • Seek help from a Support engineer.
  • Log and update your case, and check its status.

View the Global Support Guide for a detailed explanation of support programs, online services, contact information, and policy and procedures.
The guide is available at:

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This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. The software described in this document is furnished under a software license or nondisclosure agreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use without the written permission of Quest Software, Inc.

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